Spring 2025 Season
Coach Registration: Volunteers to coach can register their children and themselves starting on 1/21/25. Any player registrations that occur before 2/9/25 without a coach registration will be canceled automatically.
- Player Registration: The number of players who can register will be based on the number of coach volunteers we receive for each age group. Registration will occur on a first come first serve basis from 2/9/25 through 2/28/25. Players may be wait listed if there are not enough coaches to support the number of registered players.
- Late Registration: Players can be registered for an additional fee as space allows until 3/10/25. After this date no additional players will be added to teams.
- No registration refunds will be given unless a player is wait listed and is unable to be placed on a team due to not having enough volunteer coaches.
- Team Formation & Notification: Teams will be formed and coaches provided contact information by 3/10/25.
- Practices: Practice for all teams should start the week of 3/17/25 and coaches will individually reach out to their teams with the schedule for their teams.
- Game Schedules: Southwest IA Soccer League (SWISL) creates the game schedules. Schedules will be sent to coaches and families by 3/30/25. Games are anticipated to occur on weekend days between 4/5/25 and 5/10/25 with tournaments for specifc age groups held the following weekend but this is subject to change.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via email at soccerclubatl@gmail.com, through our Facebook page, or by contacting one of the board members directly.